Slavery Policy

VIP Payments Limited’s Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy for 2024 to 2025

We at VIP Payments Ltd. commit to respecting human rights and taking steps to prevent and eradicate any form of modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations. This policy is under Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Commitment to Human Rights

VIP Payments Ltd. is committed to safeguarding and upholding human rights for everyone affected by our activities, including our employees, suppliers, and customers. We are steadfast in our efforts to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking from all aspects of our business operations and supply chains, recognising the gravity of these violations of human rights.

Supplier Expectations

combatting human trafficking and modern slavery. We require all suppliers to perform thorough due diligence on their supply chains and establish protocols and procedures to prevent modern slavery. We will work closely with our suppliers to ensure compliance with our standards and regulations for preventing modern slavery.

Our supply chain encompasses a diverse range of products and services, including software implementation, compliance, and management. Recognising that each region presents unique risks and challenges related to modern slavery and human trafficking, we are committed to addressing these issues through our supplier partnerships.

Our Policies Concerning Modern Slavery Act 2015

VIP Payments Ltd. has made the following policies openly available amongst the staff intranet:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Bullying and Harassment Policy
  • Diversity and inclusion Policy
  • Recruitment and training policy

Prevention measures

To combat slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain, VIP Payments Ltd. has implemented the following measures:

  • Periodical risk evaluations to detect and manage any threats of modern slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain.
  • educating our staff on how to report any suspected cases of modern slavery and human trafficking and providing regular training for them.
  • keeping an eye out for any indications of modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain and responding appropriately to any issues.
  • including contract terms and conditions referring to human trafficking and modern slavery and
  • maintaining a zero-tolerance policy for modern slavery.

Maintaining a zero-tolerance policy for modern slavery.

VIP Payments Ltd. is committed to adhering to all applicable laws and regulations on modern slavery and human trafficking, according to the UK’s Modern Slavery Act. We are committed to eliminating modern slavery and human trafficking.

We will continually review and refine our policies and procedures as needed to ensure they are effectively implemented. Recognising that eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking requires collective action, we will engage with our employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to increase awareness and unequivocally prohibit these activities.

© Copyright 2023 VIP Payments - VIP Payments LTD is registered with FCA as a Small Payment Institution since 16/11/2018 with reference number 750503.